Re: [orca-list] speech-dispatcher Not seen By Orca Ubuntu 8.04

Chris Norman <chris norman4 ntlworld com> writes:

On Tue, 2008-05-27 at 09:24 +0200, Lars Bjørndal wrote:
mattias <mj mjw se> writes:

Tomas or anyone
Will speech-dispatcher work witout problems in fc9?
Yes, but unfortunately, there is no prebuilt RPM available from the
standard repos. I found an outdated .spec file that I modified and
built an RPM from that one.
Does the speakupmodified distribution not have one?

Their website is at, and they maintain a very
good set of RPMS, don't know if they have one for speech dispatcher,
they used too though.
No, I can't find it - unfortunately.


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