Re: [orca-list] viavoice speaking and sound playing

My builds of gnome-speech-ibmtts have been breaking ever since
gnome-speech-0.4.17. The last build that works, as far as I can confirm,
is gnome-speech-0.4.16. Please note that gnome-speech-ibmtts-0.4.16
works with newer gnome-speech. It's just that driver that isn't being
built properly any longer.

I guess we need to see what was checked into 0.4.17 that broke our


Mohammed Al-shar' writes:
hi richard,

via voice that is provided by the package called voxin works with ubuntu 
8.04 out of the box. see for more details. however, 
I haven't heard of any success running viavoice provided by TtSynth yet. so, 
I am too interested to know if there's a clean work around. because I know 
theoritically if you replace your sources.list file by the one that comes 
with gutsy you will be able to install the depending library that TtSynth 
requires. of course, this is not recommended, and I am afraid it might break 
other things.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Richard Wells" <richwels samobile net>
To: <orca-list gnome org>
Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2008 2:11 PM
Subject: Re: [orca-list] viavoice speaking and sound playing

OOPS! Should have sent to the whole list!

Could someone write me privately and tell me what you did to get
viavoice working in ubuntu 8.04?


Original message:
I'm using ubuntu 8.04, and gnome/orca 2.22.1 and am wondering how I >
could get orca to still speak with viavoice while sound is playing. >
This works with espeak, but not with viavoice. Noting that I didn't >
have to do the suggested steps in the wiki to get sound and espeak to >
work simultaneously, I figured I'd try and go through them anyway to >
see what it would do in viavoice. p.s. not much... Is there another >
workaround that someone might be able to tell me about?
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