Re: [orca-list] I have some questions about the OpenSolaris live cd?

Whilst I haven't had a thorough try of opensolaris, I have tried out this live CD. Firstly things worked for me as described. One thing which was slightly surprising (as it can be a real pain on Linux) is the audio worked well for me, speech and audio files I played mixed without any problem, no latency on audio output (particularly speech), etc.
One of my main comments is that for the keyboard and language selection 
menus, I did get the beeps, but not knowing the working of the menus I just 
pressed enter although I would have preferred english UK settings. May be a 
document describing what to do here.
I have a few questions, but more general:
When I used the live CD with orca, in the sounds dialog I was unable to tell it to enable sounds although orca didn't report the checkboxes as disabled (only flat review was finding these checkboxes). Is this observation correct? Why is openoffice not on the live CD? I know that these CDs can be very tightly packed so sometimes you need to leave things out. Why is opensolaris using python 2.4.4? This just seems very old and isn't (as I remember) the highest patch version of the 2.4 branch.
Anyway probably enough of me. This looks like quite a good start.

Michael Whapples
----- Original Message ----- From: "mike" <kb8aey verizon net>
To: "orca" <orca-list gnome org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2008 5:48 AM
Subject: [orca-list] I have some questions about the OpenSolaris live cd?

Hi, I guess I had the wrong image, because when I downloaded the one in Wills message, it doesn't even boot. I know why, according to the instructions you need 750 Mb of ram to boot it. My first question is, is this going to be corrected by final release? By the way, when will the final release be? Next, since I can't run this CD right now, has anyone played around with this to any extent? If so what was your experience? Do the adman apps all work from your account or from the live CD with out enabling the root account? Is there a add remove programs in this system like we have in ubuntu. If there is, does it work with Orca? Last, are there any apps in OpenSolaris that we don't get with ubuntu? If so, do any of them work with Orca?
  Thanks for any info, Mike.

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