Re: [orca-list] =?iso-8859-1?q?problem_with_speech-dispatcher?=

    Hi vilmar! bellow is my ibmtts.log file. there is an error about the
default device. in my speechd.conf i chosen to use alsadefice default.
 Wed Nov 12 15:17:21 2008 [260543] ALSA: Opening ALSA sound output
 Wed Nov 12 15:17:21 2008 [260642] ALSA: Opening ALSA device
No protocol specified
E: client-conf-x11.c: XOpenDisplay() failed
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1008:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
 Wed Nov 12 15:17:21 2008 [412395] ALSA ERROR: Cannot open audio device default (Device or resource busy)
 Wed Nov 12 15:17:21 2008 [412451] ALSA ERROR: Cannot initialize Alsa device 'default': Can't open.
    when i restarted my pc, speech dispatcher was worked well, but, the
other sounds events diden't work. i can not play music and other sounds.
thanks in advance!
-----Mensagem original-----
De: "Jose Vilmar Estacio de Souza" <vilmar informal com br>
Para: "paulo donizete gardinalli filho" <paulo paulosoft com br>
Data: 12 de Novembro de 2008 14:35
Assunto: Re: [orca-list] problem with speech-dispatcher

Paulo, did you check the file ibmtts.log?
By default it is located at /var/log/speech-dispatcher.

On 12-11-2008 15:21, paulo donizete gardinalli filho wrote:
     hi vilmar! i make this, but the error continues.
-----Mensagem original-----
De: "Jose Vilmar Estacio de Souza"<vilmar informal com br>
Para: "paulo donizete gardinalli filho"<paulo paulosoft com br>
Data: 12 de Novembro de 2008 14:17
Assunto: Re: [orca-list] problem with speech-dispatcher

Paulo, Can you check in the configuration file if the line
AddModule "ibmtts" "sd_ibmtts" "ibmtts.conf"
is commented?

If so you may uncomment this line.

On 12-11-2008 15:01, paulo donizete gardinalli filho wrote:

      I tried to configure speech-dispatcher on my ubuntu. I used ibmtts
as my default module(i have voxin installed and configured).
      when i execut orca with speech-dispatcher, i get some erros. bellow
are some lines of my speechd.log with this erros. I am using ubuntu 8.10
with speech-dispatcher 0.6.7 and gnome-orca 2.24.1. please helpe-me on
this configuration. bellow are the lines:
[Wed Nov 12 13:40:40 2008 : 762812] speechd:   Warning: Didn't find prefered output module, using default
[Wed Nov 12 13:40:40 2008 : 762847] speechd:   Couldn't load default output module, trying other modules
[Wed Nov 12 13:40:40 2008 : 762859] speechd:   Trying other output modules
[Wed Nov 12 13:40:40 2008 : 762871] speechd: Error: No output module seems to be working, using the dummy 
output module
[Wed Nov 12 13:40:42 2008 : 143998] speechd:   Warning: Didn't find prefered output module, using default
[Wed Nov 12 13:40:42 2008 : 144048] speechd:   Couldn't load default output module, trying other modules
[Wed Nov 12 13:40:42 2008 : 144068] speechd:   Trying other output modules
[Wed Nov 12 13:40:42 2008 : 144088] speechd: Error: No output module seems to be working, using the dummy 
output module
[Wed Nov 12 13:40:42 2008 : 419305] speechd:   Warning: Didn't find prefered output module, using default
[Wed Nov 12 13:40:42 2008 : 419348] speechd:   Couldn't load default output module, trying other modules
[Wed Nov 12 13:40:42 2008 : 419369] speechd:   Trying other output modules
[Wed Nov 12 13:40:42 2008 : 419389] speechd: Error: No output module seems to be working, using the dummy 
output module
[Wed Nov 12 13:40:42 2008 : 447885] speechd:   Connection closed
      thanks in advance,
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