Re: [orca-list] new orca audio tutorials and a wiki, feedback needed

Hey Krishnakant:

Yes, great idea.  Wil or perhaps some one will help creating an
account for me on orca wiki.
You can create your own account very easily by going to  :-)
Even I believe the same but again the question of audio tutorials,
where do I upload them?  I don't have mp3 only wav files which I will
convert into ogg.
I'm not sure if the WIKI is the right spot to store large files, but  
you can add them as an attachment to a page.  However, I think maybe might be the better place.
Want to create this manual collaboratively, so prefer a wiki based manual.
but it will be nice to start the documentation as you suggested if we
as community membors can contribute to this.
While collaboration wouldn't be as instantanious as the WIKI, we can  
open a bug on under product:gnome-user-docs  
component:access-guide and add patches to it.  The patches would just  
be diffs of files under 
guide/.  After a quick review, someone with commit privs (e.g., me,  
vincent, etc.) could apply the patches and check them in.  They would  
then show up on with the  
nightly push/build.
It would be great to get this going.


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