Re: [orca-list] speech-dispatcher doesn't talk

"TC" == Tomas Cerha <cerha brailcom org> writes:

    TC> Anne GÃnther napsal(a):
    >>> [Wed Nov 5 19:27:49 2008 : 775999] speechd: ERROR: Can't
    >>> initialize
    >> audio in output module, see reason above.

    TC> What audio system do you have in your Gnome sound preferences
    TC> and in your speechd.conf? They must be both the same - either
    TC> ALSA or Pulse. I'd recommend ALSA for now.
And you can configuring you SD with spd-conf script which will set all
what you need. You have two possibilities for SD settings as system wide
service or as user configuration, it is depends from you another
configuration. If you runs SD as user after loggin or your SD is started
during the booting procedure. But you can set both, first for system and
then for user.


Jan Buchal
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