Re: [orca-list] Queries about Ugrading packages

If there are no package updates, then your system is up-to-date. So if
the command line reports no packages for update, then your system is ok.
Aptitude update or
apt-get upgrade will upgrade all packages on yoru system when or if
there is any updates in the repositories. you may not get an upgrade for
Orca, so you may have ot update it from svn.
see the heading installing from source.


On Thu, 2008-11-20 at 22:03 +0000, James & Nash wrote:
Hi folks,

I updated and tried to upgrade my packages today, but I'm not sure if
it worked. I did it with the command line, which told me afterwards
that none wer upgrated but still the GUI told me that my system was
up-to-date. Which is the correct one?


I did sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade



Does upgrading packages keep them   automatically updated? Does that
include Orca if so?


Thank you



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