Re: [orca-list] installing orca on debian

Hash: RIPEMD160

I'm replying this back to the list because Jason would have never seen
your message otherwise.  I wish this list was configured with Reply-To
going to the list instead of the sender.  But anyway, I installed
numerous packages over the past week so forgot specifically which dev
packages I needed to get at-spi to compile.  I think I recalled
looking for the name of missing header files and I know that if the
./configure step fails, it usually will mention the actual missing
packages.  Then I can just search for the needed package in aptitude.
For these compiles and such, I look for the package name and for any
package-dev name.  So far, that has generally worked out pretty well.
I think a lot of this would be easier if Debian wouldn't break up so
many packages.  But I suppose if someone has no desire to compile any
programs, they could save space by not installing any *.dev packages.
Me on the other hand, I prefer to install the whole of a package
including standard headers and the like.

On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 10:35:18PM -0500, Alonzo wrote:
hello Jason,

I tried addingg the experimental reposityr ot my system and did
aptitude install gnome-orca/experimental

I deleted the packages for now because at-spi and a python package could 
not be configured correctly. so I'm not sure what to do. I know steve 
said he search for the deb counter parts of header files, but I'm not 
sure which header filesto start looking for.
Gconf is installed and aptitude build-dep gconf does nothing and seems to 
have meet all dependencies.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve Holmes" 
<steve holmes88 gmail com>
To: <orca-list gnome org>
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 6:34 AM
Subject: Re: [orca-list] installing orca on debian

Hash: RIPEMD160

When I recompiled all the orca related packages from svn recently,
everything pretty much compiled flawlessly.  A couple times I ran into
problems with missing headers and the like but was able to track them
down in searching in aptitude and installing the dev counterparts of
those packages.  I'm using it now.  Is experimental a replacement for
unstable or is that yet another level of Debian package maintenance?
I'm still on Testing right now because I just got started with Debian
and I wanna get comfortable with how things work in this environment
before I go off and start experimentaing with potentially unstable

On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 01:26:54PM +0800, Li Yuan wrote:
Hi Alonzo,

Maybe you need gconf related packages installed.


2008/10/30 Alonzo <mariachiac aim com>

I'll include the previous message that I wrote to Jason since it 
did > not
get posted to the list.
One thing to add here was I did do the process to build the > 
and got the errors attatched to my first message when trying to install

Hello Jason,

How stable is debian experimental? I could beleive upgrade from 
lenny > to
experimental. I could try that and see what happens. However, this
happened when trying to install at-spi, not Orca itself.
So does it still apply?


On Thu, 2008-10-30 at 15:34 +1100, Jason White wrote:
On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 11:23:44PM -0500, Alonzo wrote:
I'm using Debian Lenny and wanitng to install the latest version of
Try adding an entry for the Debian "experimental" repository to your
/etc/apt/sources.list, then install
sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude install gnome-orca/experimental > > 
The reason why your attempt to build Orca from source didn't work 
is > > most
likely a missing dependency, perhaps the wrong version of autoconf.

If you still want to build from source, try this:

sudo aptitude build-dep gnome-orca

which should install everything you need to build the packaged > 
version of
Orca. (The dependencies shouldn't have changed much since then).

The version of Orca in Debian Experimental is currently 2.24.1-1.



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