Re: [orca-list] Orca does not speak the Shutdown and Logout dialogs in Intrepid

Hi David:

This is the main bug, though it is a bit obscure:

David E. Price wrote:
Hi, Will,

Has a bug been opened for this problem? I couldn't find it.



On 09/18/2008 11:01 AM, Willie Walker wrote:
Hi David:

I know that this has been reported before on this list. However, I would like to know if those who have seen this behavior in the past are still seeing this behavior or if it has been resolved for them.
Sorry about the problem. :-(  This is a known bug in gnome-session and 
the appropriate folks are working on a show stopper fix for this.
On the plus side, your e-mail was good fuel for me to prod the 
appropriate folks to get this stuff done.  I'll keep following up with 

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