Re: [orca-list] Installing Debian on the EEE PC

The Eee_pc has a card reader from which you can also boot, so, if you have 
a cardreader, you can install on another pc onto the sd card and then just 
boot from that.
I do not know about debian, but ubuntu has the correct ethernet driver at 
least from 7.10.
You can also start using a live ubuntu cd and get orca talking, get a 
terminal and do your thing from there.
I am struggling to get a kernel with speakup that will work on the Eee_pc.
Regards, Willem

On Tue, 30 Sep 2008, Jason White wrote:

On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 03:35:11PM -0400, Erik Heil wrote:
Was considering purchasing an EEE PC with the goal of installing Sid on
it.  Went to the Debian Wiki, and I do see that they have a specific
customized version of Debian for use on it.  However, since the EEE PC
does not have any serial port, which would be the easiest way to install
Debian on it?  
You would need to check this, but I think it supports PXE in the BIOS, so you
could boot from that if needed. Next, you need a kernel that will recognize
the network hardware, so you can run sshd.

Maybe one of the live Debian-based distributions will work. The key point is
getting a kernel with the necessary drivers.

Debootstrap will create a basic Debian installation on the flash drive for
you. Obviously, you would have to create the file systems manually
first. I haven't used debootstrap, but I'm sure there is documentation

If this can't be done successfully now, it should be possible to make it work
with a little effort.

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