Re: [orca-list] blind ubuntu setup

Now a days, blinux is also pritty active with issues such as accessible
installation etc, so one might ask there as well.

happy hacking.

On Mon, 2009-04-27 at 08:37 -0400, Willie Walker wrote:
Hi Hank:

This is the Orca user's list -- not everyone on it uses Ubuntu, so 
you're not going to get dedicated Ubuntu help.  :-(  Luckily, however, 
the Ubuntu folks have set up a list specifically for the discussion of 
Ubuntu and accessibility.  That list might be the more appropriate place 
to hold Ubuntu-specific discussions:


On 04/26/09 20:49, hank smith wrote:
hello can any one chime in? on doing this with orca totally blind with
out sighted assistance on 9.04 of ubuntu?
----- Original Message ----- From: "jonathan" <j nadeau charter net>
To: "hank smith" <hanksmith5 gmail com>
Sent: Sunday, April 26, 2009 5:21 PM
Subject: blind ubuntu setup

Sorry I do not know of any instructions yet. The only thing I can think
of is trying to install it from the live cd. once the desktop comes up
hit alt f2 and type in orca which chould start orca and you should be
able to install it from there. not sure if this will work but worth
trying. I had sighted help to install.

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