[orca-list] Shift+tab in firefox not working correctly ?

Hi all,

I am not sure if this is a problem related to orca, firefox, or if it works as designed.
To reproduce try the following steps:

1. Launch firefox and go to http://www.google.com.

2. After the page is loaded press shift+tab until you heare something like this website does not supply identity information.
3. Press shift+tab again. You'll hear orca announce the first and the 
last link of the page.
4. Press shift+tab again. You'll hear orca announce the first link of 
the page.

[]S José Vilmar Estácio de Souza
Msn:vilmar informal com br Skype:jvilmar
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/jvesouza
Phone: +55 21-2555-2650 Cel: +55 21-8868-0859

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