Re: [orca-list] little 9.04 problems

I can confirm both of these. For the login/shutdown dialog I just get around it by using shortcut keys (alt-s to shutdown, alt-r to restart, etc). The table issue seems to be related to scrolling, once the table begins to scroll visually orca stops reading the moving element. I'm guessing this has something to do with at-spi but I'm not well-enough versed in the gnome infrastructure yet to know for sure and I could be way off the mark. I can say for certain that it is related to scrolling, however. For me, the scrolling issue just began happening recently, probably within the last week or so. There was an update to at-spi at that time, but I cannot remember now if I noticed it before or after that update. I was using the Orca packaged version (2.25.6) at that time, but I updated to svn trunk to see if that would help. It didn't, but I'm going to keep going from trunk on 9.04 anyway just like I do with all my other installs.

On Feb 5, 2009, at 02:11, Hammer Attila wrote:

Dear List!

I found another problems with 9.04:
1. The logout and shutdown dialog are inaccessible with Orca, now
inpossible using with screen reader.

2. For example with system/preferences/keyboard shortcut application
When positioning after the suspend element with the table, Orca is not
speak all after element after the suspend cell. Interesting, but where
am I works.
When I pressing home, Orca speaks all element, but when positioning the
suspend cell, the problem is repeat.

3. Same problems producing the language support application
(system/administration/language support).

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   The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a  
thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot  
possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to  
get at or repair.
        --Douglas Adams

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