Re: [orca-list] Strange behavior with trunk Orca and Firefox 3.0.6

Not happening here, latest Orca trunk with Ubuntu 9.04 alpha, all updates applied, so I've got a close to bleeding edge gnome infrastructure.

On Feb 12, 2009, at 20:39, Nolan Darilek wrote:

Hi all, running the above versions of FF/Orca, plus at-spi/atk/gail from fairly recent svn updates. I'm wondering if anyone else can duplicate the following behavior? If so, I'll file a bug.
In Firefox, open a new tab and press ctrl-K. Perform a google  
search, then when the results appear, press 3 to go to the first  
This reliably crashes FF for me, and seems to have begun after the  
upgrade to 3.0.6.
Does this happen for anyone else? I seem to have the strange machine  
with a leaky at-spi-registryd and other bugs that others can't seem  
to reproduce, so I wonder if I'm just going a bit crazy or  
something. :)
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   The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a  
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