Re: [orca-list] Orca not reading next message in thunderbird when deleting if first column does not change

The only exception I have found to what I describe is when you delete the last message in the list, so ending up with an index change (eg. if you have 50 messages and delete the last one, the 50th, then the highlight moves back to position 49, where as if you delete an earlier one, eg. message 34, then message 34 is hidden and the highlight is still at position 34).
Michael Whapples
On 15/02/09 14:34, Aruni sharma wrote:
Hi, I also face the same issue. If the focus is towards the top of the message list, orca doesn't announce the next message headers while deleting the current message. However, if it is the bottome most message and is deleted orca does announce the headers of the previous message which becomes current focus.

On 15/02/09 14:29, Michael Whapples wrote:
I have just filed a bug #571812 about this problem mentioned in the subject line. I struggled to explain it fully there and wonder if anyone else has noticed this problem and whether they can explain it better.
In summary, in situations when two consequative messages in 
thunderbird have the same first column (eg. if they have the same 
subject as it may be from the same thread of a mailing list or they 
both have attachments) if you delete the first then orca does not 
speak the next message information as it gets focus. This seems to be 
restricted to deleting and when the two messages have the same first 
Michael Whapples
Orca-list mailing list
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