Re: [orca-list] problems when changing pitch using IBM via voice

Hi Will,
Yes, only when I use the end key.
Using arrow keys change the pitch as expected.

I have one more observation.
When I press the end key the value change to 10 but the pitch does not change as described in my previous message. Pressing the up key the value changes to 9.9, 9.8, 9.7 ... without changes in the pitch.
When the value reach the number 9.2 the pitch changes to a higher tone.

Perhaps ViaVoice doesn't support a pitch greater than 9.2.

On 18-02-2009 16:08, Willie Walker wrote:
Hi Jose:

Does this problem appear only when you use the End key? That is, will the pitch change if you use the arrow keys?

Jose Vilmar Estacio de Souza wrote:
Hi all,
Running orca with IBM ViaVoice I found a small problem when I try to increase the pitch using the end key. Pressing the end key the value is change to 10 but it is not reflected in orca.
No problems if I use espeak .

José Vilmar Estácio de Souza
Informal Informatica
msn: vilmar informal com br
aim: zevilmar
gmail: jvilmar gmail com
fone: +55 21-2555-2650
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