Re: [orca-list] unable to transfer files to i-pod, very puzzled

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On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 04:45:42PM EST, michael weaver wrote:
i am still having trouble transfering music files to my i-pod which is 
why dad has had to use i-tunes in windows to transfer a few cds for me.
i am puzzled as i know i can see my drives and even my files and  
possibfor select them, it is the transfering them that puzzles me.
If the iPod in question is the latest generation of iPod nano, then I am not surprised that you can't 
transfer data to the iPod. Unfortunately intrepid doesn't have support for those iPods, however I think 
jaunty will, which will be released in April.

Please also note that when you transfer music to the iPod from Linux, you will not get any spoken feedback 
for any tracks you transfer, as Linux's iPod support doesn't yet support speech generation for the latest 
generation nanos. Getting this done is on my TODO list, but it requires deciding which speech backend to use, 
and a few changes to speech-dispatcher itself probably.

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