Re: [orca-list] Vinux 1.3 Released!

On Tue, 2009-02-24 at 07:44 -0500, Kitty Litter wrote:
I wonder why many blind linux users get so defensive and uptight whenever 
anyone tries to make the operating system easier to use, especially for the 
newby? The attitude seems to be that if I had to struggle with a high 
learning curve, obscure documentation and all the rest that goes with 
maintaining a linux system then so should you! 
I don't think that's the case with all of them.

such people are there in proprietory and free software projects alike.

I feel over the last 4 years we have gnu/linux distros which are infact
much more userfriendly than proprietory OS and it is a mater of user's
preference if they feel worth the time which we any ways need to invest
to learn a new thing.

For those people who actually have that proprietory attitude of "take
the trouble which I took ", I would only say that remember, you are
there just because some one helped you at some point of time or other
and every one is struggling any ways.

It would be wonderful if all 
developers put a priority on accessibility but this obviously isn't always 
the case. In an open source world developers develop when they feel like it 
No, Open source projects have certain deadlines and they are most
uniform and bug fixes are often very prompt and firm, although some
times they do lag a bit.

Saying that open source developers develop when they feel, gives an
impression that it is not professional and is very unorganised which is
certainly not true.

and may do things a little differently than you might. Since we don't live 
in this theoritical ideal world that many here fantisize about, I appreciate 
the fact that someone has taken the time to put out a distribution that is 
so easy to use. 

Well, I haven't tryed it but i am pritty interested to try and i will
then like to promote it in all the projects I do here in India.

However I think we must also understand here that we are in a situation
that there are already a lot of distros and may be adding more might
just confuse people.

having said that, I am keenly interested in vinux and if people are
getting deffencive about this then i strongly discourage this.

I think the people behind vinux must have put a lot of hard work behind
it and it should be duely respected and appreciated.

happy hacking.

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