Re: [orca-list] Latency reduction: get a snappier orca without removing pulse.

On 01/07/2009 01:52 AM, Jason White wrote:
Nolan Darilek<nolan thewordnerd info>  wrote:
Like it or not, and I've done enough research to realize that there's
quite a large "not" contingent out there, it looks as if pulse is here
to stay.
It should be noted that Debian (and possibly other distributions) do not
even install it by default. Whether it is here to stay depends on your
distribution's policy. For example, Jackd remains the preference for users of
audio recording software due to its excellent real-time behaviour.

Right, which is why the first and last paragraph (or, to be more accurate, the first paragraph and the last footnote) make it clear that these instructions apply to Ubuntu. Chances are that those of us who are running pulse *know* it, and while yes it *is* my choice whether or not to remove it, I did the necessary research to find a compromise solution that keeps those of us Ubuntu users who choose on the golden path while not appearing to sacrifice any latency.
So by all means, use which distribution you choose, and use or don't use 
whatever software you choose. But if you choose ubuntu and would rather 
not have to remove pulse after every upgrade, give this a shot and see 
if it works. What this does is takes away some of the bad consequences 
associated with one choice, so it actually *empowers* choice.

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