Re: [orca-list] Adding new pronunciations causes a hang


It works fine for me, thanks Will.

I reproduced the bug from orca 2.25.1 to orca 2.25.5
but with the trunk now works perfectly.




Francisco Javier Dorado MartÃnez

Grupo de Usuarios Ciegos y deficientes visuales de GNU/Linux

El jue, 22-01-2009 a las 12:38 -0500, Willie Walker escribiÃ:
Yeah!  Good news and thanks for testing so quickly, Halim.  If VÃtor 
Oliveira or Javier can test this and have positive results, I'll open a 
bug and get the patch in.


Halim Sahin wrote:
Hi Will,
Thanks for your fast response and (great work).
your patch seems to elminate the problem on my machine.
I could create a new entry in my empty pron.-list.

On Do, Jan 22, 2009 at 11:31:03 -0500, Willie Walker wrote:
Hey All:

I noticed some messages being sent to the console when trying to
reproduce this bug.  I still cannot reproduce it, but I made a patch to
get rid of the messages.  Perhaps they are tickling something on your
machines that's not being tickled on my machines?

Attached is the patch.  Save it as foo.txt in your svn directory and
then run:

patch -p0 < foo.txt

It should make changes to  Then build/install orca and
rerun.  If the problem goes away, please let me know.


On Thu, 2009-01-22 at 08:53 -0500, Willie Walker wrote:
Hi All:

I'm starting a new thread.  Please respond to this thread for this 
subject only.  Please don't hijack other threads by doing a reply all on 
some random message and then changing the subject.  It ends up getting 
very confusing.

It has been reported that adding new pronunciations causes a hang in 
Orca.  I have not seen this nor can I reproduce it with repeated 
testing.  As such, this is going to be hard for me to track down.

The latest test case that seems to work for at least one user is the 

    1. Disable braille support in the braille page.
    2. Click OK and restart orca.
    3. Activate orca's preferences, locate the pronunciation page,
       tab to the new entry button and press the space key.

    The result is that orca stops completely and I need to press
    ctrl+alt+backspace to restart gnome session.

Halim has also reported a similar hang to me in private e-mail.  I 
cannot reproduce this at all, so I'm going to need some help here.

Please see if you can reproduce this issue.  If you can, please take 
note of the exact things you did to cause it to happen.  In addition, if 
you can reproduce it, please try reproducing it with svnversion 4432 by 
pulling svnversion 4432 using the following command:

svn co -r 4432 orca-4432

This will create an orca-4432 directory that you can go into and 
build/install orca from svnversion 4432.  If you don't know how to 
build/install orca from svn, you can try the instructions at  If you don't feel 
comfortable with the instructions, though, don't do it.  You might end 
up breaking your installation of Orca if you don't know what you're doing.

In addition, if you can reproduce the problem, please also create a 
debug file using the instructions at

Finally, please be very specific about the operating system and version 
you are using, what "gnome-about --version" gives you, which version of 
orca you are using (running "svnversion" in your svn directory will be 
very useful), etc.  When I cannot reproduce a problem, all this 
information can help me deduce what the problem might be.


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Index: src/orca/
--- src/orca/    (revision 4456)
+++ src/orca/    (working copy)
@@ -2828,7 +2828,8 @@
                     newRow = table.getRowAtIndex(index)
                     newCol = table.getColumnAtIndex(index)
-                    if (newRow != oldRow) or (oldParent != newParent):
+                    if (newRow >= 0) \
+                       and ((newRow != oldRow) or (oldParent != newParent)):
                         # Get the header information.  In Java Swing, the
                         # information is not exposed via the description
                         # but is instead a header object, so we fall back
@@ -2853,7 +2854,8 @@
                                         + rolenames.rolenames[\
-                    if (newCol != oldCol) or (oldParent != newParent):
+                    if (newCol >= 0) \
+                       and ((newCol != oldCol) or (oldParent != newParent)):
                         # Don't speak Thunderbird column headers, since
                         # it's not possible to navigate across a row.
                         topName = self.getTopLevelName(newLocusOfFocus)
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