Re: [orca-list] Short Jaunty alpha-3 impressions

My impressions are actually the opposite. I've got all updates applied as of a few minutes ago, and for me the 9.04 alpha release is blazing fast--faster, in fact, than any other gnome installation I've used. There's almost no delay at all opening up menus or with orca navigation, no matter what speech synthesizer or speech library I'm using. Speaking of which, I'm not sure if there's a speech dispatcher fix in 9.04 or if something else fixed this, but my issues with speech dispatcher seem to be gone, something I'm very happy about. When I use espeak, I use rate 99 and that's still not fast enough for me, so it's nice not to have any other responsiveness issues. Even the livecd I used, which is a few days old (it was a daily build from last Saturday) was lightning fast. The language screen spoke fine for me during the installer, as did the manual partitioner for the most part--I used that because I wanted to install onto an ext4 partition. The one quirk I found in the manual partitioner was that, when creating a partition, the filesystem combo box didn't read properly, with each choice being identified only as "filesystem." This was easily worked around by creating the partition, then editing the partition I'd just created, as the edit partition dialog speaks perfectly including the filesystem/partition type selector. I haven't noticed the system becoming bogged down, or any system resource allocation problems either. In fact, the resource usage is less while running 9.04 than it is in 8.10 for me. I would have expected a very different result, seeing as how I'm simply running it in a virtual machine with 512mb of ram and one processor. Perhaps you're having hardware driver issues? In particular, check your video driver and X configuration, as that can often cause a lot of lag if not configured quite right.

On Jan 27, 2009, at 06:32, Hammer Attila wrote:

Dear List!

I tryed two day with Jaunty Alpha3 release, i would like writing my
short impressions:
Yesterday first, because espeak is not work nagively, I not want
inserting manualy snd-pcm-oss and snd-mixer-oss
modules and testing purpose I want makinfg different changes, I making a
custom live cd with trivial offficial accessibility changes with page and following changes:
1. inserting the snd-mixer-oss and snd-pcm-oss modules with /etc/ modules
2. Configuring default accessibility support to screen reader with
When extracted the filesystem.squashfs file and chrooted the new system,
typing following commands:
gconftool-2 -s -t bool /desktop/gnome/interface/accessibility true
gconftool-2 -s -t bool /desktop/gnome/applications/at/visual/startup true I like this, because BeLin (similar release with Vinux) using this method.
I disabling pulse audio because lot of time my machine lost speech  
and Intrepid. I using following documentation:

Yesterday impressions:
When booting the live cd, it is very fast. Because inserting snd-pcm- oss
module and snd-mixer-oss module, the sound is correct work my desktop
machine, but my notebook the sound is not working because I not have
sighted assistance yet. The login sound is not played, but the Orca
screen reader is starting automaticaly and talking correct.
I found following problems, please anybody confirm:
1. When typing any application with my keyboard, Espeak saying later the
typed character, such as 2 second later when I pressing a letter for
example. When moving a menu (for example the applications menu), Orca or
espeak is very slow, wait 1,5 or two second before speaking. I using
70.0 speech rate, it is very fast. :-):-)
The latenci is very disturb when I trying fastest moving the menues or
dialog controls with official
navigation methods.
I have got a Creative Audigy LS sound card my desktop machine.

For example in Hardy or Intrepid, Espeak doing a little latency, but lot of slowest with Debian Lenny. If I working in Lenny, the typing is very fast, the moving operations is bigger fastest. If I known right, Debian
oldest gnome-speech version. Possible fixing this latenci problem and
fastest the speech latenci?

2. When I launching Mozilla Firefox, the heading navigations is not
speeching. For example when I pressing h key, not spokening the actual
heading level. Only speeching xxx heading level when i pressing for
example the where am I key.

3. When I trying install with 9.04, I founding following problemsafter
running Ubiquity:
- Language list is not spokening yet.
- partitioner manual setting is not working, my desktop machine.

This is yesterday result.

On thuesday, I looked originaly 9.04 current dayly live cd (I manual
loaded snd-mixer-oss and
snd-pcm-oss modules) producing very slow speech latency.
I looked two machines, my desktop pc and my notebook.
For example when I typing very fast the apple word, the speech
sinthesizer (Espeak) says this:
a    p    l    e
When speech sinthesizer beginning says the a letter, the apple word
already wroted.

Another problem:
When Orca is not running, the system monitor application is displaying
the cpu usage is 4%.
When Orca is running, the system monitor displaying 28% or larger cpu
usage. (When I launched firefox, first cpu showing 35%, second cpu
showing 50% I think).
I have got an Athlon64 X2 processor and 2 GB ram of my desktop machine,
i think it is not good result.
In Debian Lenny, when Orca is running, the system monitor application
showing 4% cpu usage, this is correct.

I known, 9.04 is an alpha state, but if not happen drastical think, I
hope it
is very stable release in final date.

I have got a question:
This speech latency is an Orca, gnome-speech or Espeak problem? I tryed installed latest trunk version with Jaunty, the problem is present, but only Jaunty, Debian Lenny, Intrepid, Hardy not producing this drastical

I waiting alpha-4 release, because I very like testing development


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