[orca-list] Begging for help

I have an incredibly! bad hearing loss. About the only synth I really can comfortably understand is Eloquence/TT Synth set to either Reed, or to Glenn. Preferably Reed. I know, most a yall hate Eloquence, and prefer e speak, but it's all I can really understand. I can't even really understand Festival that well, let alone! E Speak. I'm not !giving up on this question till someone can help me on, or off list. I have the IBM gnome speech viavoice runtime rpm package, so I assume, I could probably use apt-get and get rpm, so that I could install it, but, my thing is this. I also've gone to ttsynth.com and gotten the Ubuntu .deb installer for the C++V2 library that is missing. I was able when I last ran Ubuntu, to get that installed, but I'm sorry to say, even with that done, once I then ran the setup for TT Synth, and put in my serial number, etc. it sill! even after restarting my entire machine didn't see TT Synth in the list. I hope you don't have to rebuild gnome-speech, as I haven't a clue how to do that! The one time I tried, I broke it so darn good, that a Linux guru told me it couldn't even be fixed, and we had to reinstall. I would! use speech dispatcher, but I dono if TT Synth is supported and even if it is, I don't even hardly understand what speech dispatcher is! let alone! how to instrall it. I red the docs on how it worked but it went way over my head. Maybe I'm just not as techy as I think, but...
I did this once and actually got it working, but I think I did so back in 
6.10, way! back when, and even then! I remember having a ton of trouble 
getting it to work.  I dont' even recall what I finally did.  Now, I am 
trying to do this on Hardy 8.04, I think it is?  It's V8, I know that.
Anyway, yes I have had people tell me go download X Y and Z, then install A 
B and C, in D E and F order, then do G H and I, but they didn't really tell 
me how specifically to carry out the tasks.  If someone could either get 
with me on or off list one on one and work with me through this, I'd 
greatly! appreciate it.  I hate I paid all this for the synth but now have 
no real way to use it.  Please only respond if you've actually from ground1 
up gotten TT Synth on your end fully working.  I don't mean well, I got the 
library installed...  I mean, unless you physically have gotten it to the 
point where T T Synth was running, you could hear it and all, please don't 
waste my time.  I'm sorry and I know I sound a little rude by saying that. 
Believe me I mean well, it's just I am very frustrated, as I've gone through 
this so many times.  This is basically my final attempt.  I'm on my very? 
last limb.  If I can't get it working this time, I'll probably be 
unsubscribing from here, and not using Linux again until there is a better 
sollution.  I know there is DecTalk, and Cepstral, but I can't afford 
Dectalk, and I couldn't get Cepstral to work even after following the Wiki 
pages, plus I don't even think I kept my key/installer.  I think i pretty 
well gave up on it.

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