[orca-list] OT: International Association of Visually Impaired Technologists

Good evening,

I have been asked to help lead the planning process for a new organization, the International Association of Visually Impaired Technologists. Briefly the organizations goals are to provide support and community for visually impaired computing professionals worldwide.
We are currently looking for individuals interested in participating  
on a 7 member planning committee.  If you are interested in this  
please contact me off list at everett zufelt ca  .  In your message  
please let me know what you feel qualifies you to assist in this  
process, you may also let me know your country of residence if you like.
Information about the development of the organization and the planning  
process will be posted to a mailing list.  You can sign up for the  
mailing list at http://ultragroups.net/mailman/listinfo/iavicp_ultragroups.net
Thank you,

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