[orca-list] mouse movement locks system while Orca is running

I am running Ubuntu Karmic alpha. I have run into the strange problem where if I bump, move or click the mouse or use the movement keys to route or click the pointer while Orca is running, the whole system freezes. I can usually restart Orca with the shortcut key I mapped to it, but sometimes I have to leave the X session and log into a text console to kill Orca. Once I kill it and restart, everything I tried to do happens, every keystroke and everything I type. The flat review stuff and other Orca functions actually happen while Orca is stopped, so for example a text terminal will act like I pressed arrow keys and other things on the keypad if I try to use flat review functions or mouse movement keys. Is anyone else experiencing this problem on any other OS with the latest Orca from Git, or is this an Ubuntu specific problem with this Karmic prerelease that I need to file on Launchpad?

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