Re: [orca-list] Open Office's Form Navigator

Hi Steve,

Okay, I enabled the form controls toolbar and can move to it with F6 no problem.
I don't see an option for form navigation from the form controls toolbar 
however it can be enabled from the view > toolbars menu.
Orca seems to read it no problem and it seems to contain controls for 
moving between records i.e find record, first record, next record etc.
If you want to insert form controls into a document it looks like the 
form controls toolbar is the one you want. It has options like tickbox, 
textbox, push button etc.
However when I hit enter on one of them (and Orca tellls me it's "on") 
and then switch back to the document Orca doesn't say anything. It 
doesn't even read any existing text in the document and wont until I 
pres the same toolbar button again to turn it "off".
So... that's my experience with it thus far...

This is with Orca 2.26.2 and OO 3.0.1.


On 30/06/09 13:17, Steve Holmes wrote:
Hash: RIPEMD160
I haven't heard anything on this so figured to ask again. Does anyone have any further ideas on the message below?
I thought I'd look into building a form in a document using Open
Office Writer but when I tried to open the Form Navigator from the
forms control toolbar, Orca can't seem to read anything in it. I
first enabled the form controls toolbar from the View menu and then
from the form controls bar, I chose Form Navigator. When I press F6
to toggle around between the menu bar and other tool bars, I come up
on the form navigator but Orca will say something like, "form na" and
then say no more. While the form navigator is in focus, the only key
I can get to speak at all is the KP_Enter key. When I press it, it
just says "Form label". I can also get it to read the title bar which
says "Form Navigator" but all other keys including the flat review
keys yield silence. I thought it would be easer to use the Form
Navigator to build the form and insert the form fields. I can't seem
to figure out any other accessible way to add form fields to a
document. The online help says stuff about "Click, Drag and Drop" and
frankly, I don't do drag and drop stuff to well, if at all.

Has anyone around here used Oo to build forms while using Orca?
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