Re: [orca-list] Debian Desktop - Top Panel?

Yeah, that works fine to navigate around in the main body of the desktop but for some distros, there is a top and bottom panel. On my Debian system, I can use the tab key to get me to the bottom panel but from what I can tell on my Debian box there is no top panel or Orca won't navigate to it with the tab key. Am I missing something or does Debian not implement a top panel of the desktop?
On 3/11/2009 12:20 PM, James & Nash wrote:
yes as far as I know, using arrow keys is standard - at least it is for me.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve Holmes"
<steve holmes88 gmail com>
To: "Orca E-mail List" <orca-list gnome org>
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 5:53 PM
Subject: Re: [orca-list] Debian Desktop - Top Panel?

Hash: RIPEMD160

Well, I'm using the default schemes, whatever those are and I never
moved anything around. Is there any easier way to "find" the top bar
or any of its contents? If one should choose a different theme, what
would be the best choice? I would think Orca should work with the
defaults that got installed. The only other thing I could think of is
maybe I need to install another package or two?

Also in a similar vane, is the menu structure from alt-f1 a single
vertical tree? When I used Dropline-gnome under Slackware, there was 3
or 4 pull-downs across, kind of like in MS windows. In my case, it is
all navigated by going up and down and using the right arrow key to
get into the sub menus. Is this standard behavior for Debian users?

On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 03:07:59PM -0600, Alonzo wrote:
hello Steven,

Yes, it has a top panel. You may wantot try changing your desktop
background. Just Alt-f1, locate preferences and appearance. once there,
change your background. I know orca does not speak and tell you the
background names, but you can test and see which one works for you. It
coudl alsy be that your panels are moved around. If i remember
if your panels are not in the default location, they will not be
anounced by Orca.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve Holmes"
<steve holmes88 gmail com>
To: "Orca E-mail List" <orca-list gnome org>
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2008 2:06 PM
Subject: [orca-list] Debian Desktop - Top Panel?

Hash: RIPEMD160

Does the gnome desktop in Debian actually have a top panel? When I do
a Ctrl-Alt-D, I get focused to the desktop as expected but when I keep
pressing Ctrl-Alt-Tab, I only rotor between the main part of the
desktop and the bottom panel. Is this proper behavior or is there a
bug some place? I can't tell if there is actually a top bar showing on
the desktop or not. I'm running Debian Lenny with Experimental version
of gnome-orca.
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