Re: [orca-list] Accessible VOIP systems

Michael Whapples <mwhapples aim com> wrote:
Yes I can create a summary. I am uncertain about the various audio  
quality of the various systems as either I couldn't test it (eg. mumble  
because it is inaccessible) and partly as I am new to voip although I  
want to get into it because there are some people I contact regular and  
can end up on the phone for longer than my wallet agrees with (short of  
it being I haven't actually tried all the systems a number of times yet).
Audio quality in FreeSWITCH is excellent, especially if the other party
supports one of the 16khz or better audio codecs.

There is likely to be a Web-based interface written for FreeSWITCH, which, if
Aria is implemented, could be made accessible with Orca. However, I personally
prefer the command line interface and hand editing the XML configuration

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