Re: [orca-list] other distributions?

Hello all,
Orca runs well under FreeBSD 7.1 where it comes as a package and as a port. And it works well under opensolaris, especially the 2009.06 preview. Excellent performance and improved accessibility to the admin tools.
I will be testing it with netbsd in a few days.

On Tue, 19 May 2009, Daniel Rivero Capellan wrote:

Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 09:31:15 +0200
From: Daniel Rivero Capellan <darry100 gmail com>
To: ashley <ash cox talktalk net>
Cc: orca - list mailing list <orca-list gnome org>
Subject: Re: [orca-list] other distributions?

Hi Ashley and list:

I know that Orca is shiped with Mandriva by default. It comes by default in any regional Spanish distribution like GNU/Linex or Guadalinex wich is based in Ubuntu.
The main problem I encountered was that orca don't run in the last mandriva 
(2009.1 Spring) I supposed that it is because of compiz, I rememember that I 
had to uninstall compiz in order to enable magnification.
To sum up I suppose that big distributions have orca in its main repositories

ashley escribió:
Hi list,
I was just wondering if there is a list out there, or if anybody knows of, any other distributions that come with orca or that work well with it, that are not ubuntu, open suse, open Solaris, ubuntu, fedora, or grml.
 Thanks for your help.

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