Re: [orca-list] Strange problem with Orca and simple GTK application...

Hi Bohdan:

I'm not sure, but this sounds like it could possibly be a caching problem and that the appropriate AT-SPI events (e.g., 'object:property-change:accessible-name') are not being issued to clean the cache.
You might experiment a bit to see if this is the problem.  I think one  
thing that might help narrow it down to a cache problem would be if you  
turned off caching in pyatspi.  I think you can do this for the most  
part by setting orca.settings.cacheValues=False
Alternatively, you might change the pyatspi.setCacheLevel call in to use None as the parameter instead of  
Hope this helps,


On Nov 29, 2009, at 11:17 AM, Bohdan R. Rau wrote:

Hi all

Question probably to Orca developers...

I just wrote GTK+ application (probably not very interesting to you, it's
Polish audiobook creator using my NLP system and Mbrola) and I have two
strange problems with Orca.

I use some widgets without labels, so I set the name and description
to these widgets, something like:

        "Set audio contrast level from 0.3 to 1.3");

Everything works fine, but when I tab to any SpinButton, Orca does not
announce name, only description. Other types of widgets appears properly.
Second problem is Notebook. I change the label on tab, but Orca still
reads it's initial value.

In Accerciser I see proper names in spinbuttons and tab labels...

Where is the problem?

I use atk-1.28.0 and I tested it with Orca 2.26 and 2.29.2

-- - Pa pa, Ivonko!
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