2009-October Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
[orca-list] OCR on Linux,
James & Nash
[orca-list] Socrates - a potential OCR solution,
James & Nash
[orca-list] Orca and Object Navigation,
James & Nash
[orca-list] orca speech uncontrolled and jumbled withspeech-dispatcher,
Rich Caloggero
[orca-list] orca speech uncontrolled and jumbled with speech-dispatcher,
[orca-list] voiced strings,
Daniel Dalton
[orca-list] Problem with Orca modifier keyon Ubuntu Karmic,
[orca-list] orca audio guides,
[orca-list] Orca on Ubuntu Karmic 9.10,
[orca-list] looking for keystroke script about time,
[orca-list] Orca won't read gnome desktop stuff,
Michael Whapples
[orca-list] Ipods and Itunes - What are they about?,
Georgina Joyce
[orca-list] Does anyone know of a good test web browser?,
Charlie Dorff
[orca-list] Vinux 2.0 Command Line Interface Edition - Release Announcement,
Anthony Sales
[orca-list] Installing Java-Access-Bridge problems,
Maria Teresa Roccia
[orca-list] delays when filling forms in web,
jose vilmar estacio de souza
[orca-list] partial gdm accessibility with ArchLinux,
Zachary Kline
[orca-list] strange message running eclipse,
jose vilmar estacio de souza
[orca-list] Reading with Orca in Open Office,
James & Nash
[orca-list] orca and qt apps?,
hank smith
[orca-list] How to report a bug,
Kristof Nijs
[orca-list] a feature request for which I have a solution.,
[orca-list] OpenOffice.org and other Java Not Speaking Any Longer,
Kerneels Roos
[orca-list] Google Books Accessibility Through Orca?,
Kerneels Roos
[orca-list] orca tutorials uploaded again, this time individual files.,
[orca-list] Some help with vinux installation please!,
Sandy Phillips
[orca-list] [Fwd: OCRFeeder v0.3 Released],
Willie Walker
[orca-list] Various warnings when running orca,
Zachary Kline
[orca-list] Thanks to all advising a new user.,
Peter Tesar
[orca-list] orca provides font attributes in firefox3.5 but not alignment info,
[orca-list] Orca says some characters with english when I using speech-dispatcher,
Hammer Attila
[orca-list] netbooks and gnome/orca/firefox,
Daniel Dalton
[orca-list] To Dave: what is an Orca Wiki?,
Peter Tesar
[orca-list] To Sandy: advice to a new user from another new user.,
Peter Tesar
[orca-list] archlinux and notifications,
[orca-list] A new member with some orca questions.,
Sandy Phillips
[orca-list] Confirmed archlinux gdm strangeness,
Zachary Kline
[orca-list] A Big Thanks and 2 Questions,
Kerneels Roos
Re: [orca-list] Help write Orca docs,
Willie Walker
[orca-list] Fedora 11 gdm success,
Terry Klarich
[orca-list] orca speeks fast and cluttery with distros coming with speech-dispatcher,
[orca-list] Orca speeks too fast and cluttery on distros coming with speech-dispatcher,
[orca-list] Orca sometime says not existing editbox control with some webpages,
Hammer Attila
[orca-list] gdm Accessibility with 2.28,
Steve Holmes
Re: [orca-list] Orc and Zotero,
Cearbhall O'Meadhra
[orca-list] Running Orca on Multiple X sessions,
[orca-list] Orca and braille panning,
Sergei V. Fleytin
[orca-list] A couple of questions about orca sources,
[orca-list] wrong language problem,
Glenn Ervin
[orca-list] random slow down using Orca 2.28.0,
[orca-list] got loss of speech after exiting firefox,
[orca-list] [gnome-speech] How to write driver for a new TTS engine?,
Wong Cameron
[orca-list] Fw: new set of orca tutorials uploaded,
Peter Tesar
[orca-list] wish: shortcut to read the time and date,
Emanuel Helms
[orca-list] does orca work well with firefox 3.5 and empathy?,
[orca-list] new set of orca tutorials uploaded,
[orca-list] Linux netbook,
[orca-list] Problem with thunderbird reporting message information after deleting messages,
Michael Whapples
[orca-list] Downloading the latest Orca source.,
[orca-list] Please alias Namoroka to Firefox,
David E. Price
[orca-list] doubletalk PC,
Glenn Ervin
[orca-list] orca part of the operating system?,
[orca-list] How is Orc implemented into Gnome?,
James & Nash
[orca-list] Fw: Pronunciation issue with ibmtts,
Olivier BERT
[orca-list] debian streamtuner package,
Jude DaShiell
[orca-list] Not able to extract Orca source.,
[orca-list] Making internet browsing easy with Orca.,
[orca-list] Orca, voxin and speech dispatcher.,
[orca-list] DecTalk with orca?,
[orca-list] Different Voices,
Steve Holmes
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