Re: [orca-list] An Open Letter to Oracle on the Topic Of Accessibility

On 04/04/2010 09:59 AM, hackingKK wrote:
On Sunday 04 April 2010 10:06 PM, Jude DaShiell wrote:
I've read that the Federal Government isn't holding the open source community to the same Section 508 standards as it's holding Microsoft to. Oracle learned that, and Oracle exploited that situation.
I didn't think there was a different standard; dunno the details of such 
Yes indeed they exploited that loop hole.
and now it has been a long time since the events related to oracle's stand on Orca.
So we need not expect any thing more.
And may I take the chance to tell Oracle that your rejection to help in accessibility has not hampered us that much. We know you really don't care much about the accessibility and the right for the disabled to use ICTs. But that's ok. we have started to look ahead and there is no point waisting time to talk with those who think blind people don't need Information access.
Let's stop the issue at this email.

Well with due respect, we shouldn't forget what Joanie said recently where a couple engineers from China were being permitted to work on at-spi on company time (Oracle time). One might think it a token contribution but we may as well take what we can get from them. The rest will be up to us as has been previously stated. Even though that bit of effort has been afforded us, I still feel like you do, that we should probably take our business elsewhere whenit comes to database solutions. I never could get the Oracle Business software to work with Window-Eyes at work. But that's off topic from here...

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