Re: [orca-list] Initial recordings of the audio walkthroughs available

On Mon, Apr 05, 2010 at 10:37:56AM -0400, Storm Dragon wrote:
Sendspace is aware of and responds to Linux issues. Their wizard
software is available for Win, Mac, and Linux. When I told them that it
was impossible to read the list of files because of the "panel" problem,
they released a new version with a standard file selection dialog so
that Orca users would be able to use it too. The software they wanted
you to download was most likely the wizard, but I am not sure, I have
never used the premium button for downloads. Anyway, what this is all
getting to, is SendSpace is a great service and are one of the few but
growing companies who aren't win only with their software. They also
respond to and resolve accessibility issues.
I'm glad to hear that; I should be sorry for my harsh remarks
earlier.  I had no idea they were that concerned.  I may need to look
at them more closely when I need to move large files.

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