Re: [orca-list] Accessible Login on Arch Linux plus Gnome 2.30

Hash: RIPEMD160

On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 12:03:15PM -0300, Cleverson Casarin Uliana wrote:
The only differences are that such instructions talk about Gnome
2.28 and I'm using Gnome 2.30. Also, when it told me to change to
the /usr/libexec directory and make a symbolic link, I verified that
such directory didn't exist, so I created it and made that symbolic
link by copying and pasting the command given at the web page.

When I start gdm, Orca speaks "welcome to Orca" and then gets
silent, no matter what key I press. Please give some advice in case
it's possible to make it accessible.
Yeah, I need to update the wiki; something changed in gnome 2.30.  the
symlink needs to be moved to /usr/lib/gdm and still point to the same
place it did before.  I don't think we need the one in /usr/liexec
anymore.  I discovered that issue with the recent updates to gnome
2.30 on Arch a couple weeks ago.

Try that and see if it works for you.  When I made that change, I
seemed to have some problems at first but that seems to have cleared
up since so not sure if anything else needs to be done.  As is, I
almost forgot what I did to get gdm to work again.  

Actually, since then, I've gone back to using startx from a normal
user account to get xclip to work right.  But that's another matter
for another thread. <smile>
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