Re: [orca-list] In Ubuntu 10.04, when Orca is running, impossible to make USB startup disk with usb-creator-gtk application

I have scanned the gtk frontend code and if I am reading it correctly. THey use separate wrapped threads for the progressbar, retry dialog, failure dialog, and success dialog. I suspect this is the problem we are seeing and I don't know how to test it or let the maintainers know.

On Mon, 19 Apr 2010, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:

Hi Attila.

Joanmarie, your openion this problem is an Orca related bug, or another
accessibility related component producing the problem?
My system is full uptodated.
In my experience, nearly each and every time the report is "When I use
package Foo with Orca and do xyz, everything hangs" the bug is that
package Foo is making a change to the GUI outside of the main thread in
order to accomplish xyz. That may or may not be the case with the bug
you're reporting, but it sure sounds like a threading issue.

I really wish we didn't have these threading problems. But as long as we
do, packages such as Foo need to fix the problem on their end. Sorry!

Take care.

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