Re: [orca-list] should orca set up atk gconf?

Well, I found I had to set the key manually for my regular user before
the registry daemon would start properly and this seems to be something
new -- in other words, not just for the gdm user, but for the user I
normally log in with I had to set the atk key.

Michael Whapples <mwhapples aim com> wrote:

Hello John,
As far as I understand it, orca sets all gconf keys needed to run orca
once you have logged in to gnome (this includes the one to start
at-spi). The only keys you need to set manually are those for
accessible log in. I don't think orca could set these keys for
accessible log in as it requires setting them for another user (using
sudo, su, etc) and so you can't guarantee whether the user running
orca will have the correct permissions.

Is the current situation fine, I think possibly as its something a
user may never do (as its something which only those granted extra
permissions can do) or if they do need to do it then it only needs
doing once per linux installation. Could it be made easier, yes a GUI
tool could be created and put in administrative applications (I feel
the best place for it, this is where gdmsetup was to be found but
that's deprecated now).

Michael Whapples
On 01/-10/-28163 08:59 PM, covici ccs covici com wrote:
Hi.  I was trying to get orca to work on my gentoo system and sometime
in the 2.28 cycle or thereafter apparently it was necessary too  set
/desktop/gnome/applications/at/screen_reader_enabled to true for the
registry daemon to properly start.  I wonder if Orca should set this in
its setup -- seems to be harmless and would save a lot of confusion --
at least it would have for me.

Thanks for all the great work on Orca.

Your life is like a penny.  You're going to lose it.  The question is:
How do
you spend it?

         John Covici
         covici ccs covici com

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