Re: [orca-list] Open Office Writer and Page/Section Markers

I just tried Navigator and still can't use it at all.  What is going
on here?

When I look for Navigator in the View menu, I can hit the enter key
and it toggles checked or blank; in other words, it is an on/off
situation.  When navigator is checked in the view menu, I can use F6
key to rotor through the several menu and tool bars. .  Well actually
I can always use the F6 key to do this but while the navigator is
checked, I press F6 once for the main menu bar and then if I press it
a second time, I end up in lala land.  Orca is completely dead in its
tracks and if I go and look in the output from the terminal from where
I launch X, I get this message:
** (soffice:11542): WARNING **: Unmapped KeyCode: 774
From this point, All I can do is run 'orca -q' from my root console to
kill the program and then restart orca in the gnome session and I get
control back.  So far, I have never been able to use the navigator.
So what am I missing here? is it actually supposed to work now?

On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 09:47:36AM +0200, Malte Timmermann wrote:
There is no outline mode for Writer, but you might want to look into the
"Navigator" (View/Navigator or F5) to get an overview of the document
structure, and to navigate to headings and other things...


Jason White wrote, On 08/10/10 01:44:
Hell, I even like the outline reading kind of a feature when I herd
in jaws about 4 years back.
If OO.O has an outline mode, it may meet your requirements.

Emacs and Vim both have folding modes that work with document formats such as
LaTeX. I gave up word processors and switched to LaTeX in 1998, shortly after
my move to Linux, and I remain convinced that it was the right decision.

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