Re: [orca-list] say-all (numpad+add stops at links and headers


On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 05:29:03PM +0200, lutz kaiser wrote:
me again... sorry, for cluttering the list.

i looked deep into my backups, found a directory from git-orca dated
august 12th. Installed this orca version and it worked,
That means the problem occured later than the 12th.

Can anyone point me, how to use git, to get versions from orca later
than the 12th? to test, when the problem first happend?
Ok, I'll give you two routes, the first is the simplest but takes manuel effort, if you can do the second 
that would probably be the best all around.
way 1
run git log commit messages have a header like

date: thur aug 6 12:00:00
they also have acommitt IDlike this
commit db3ebfe526afa21ea5057e325946b0265193933c

you canthen check that commit out like this

git checkout db3e

only the first 4 or so characters of the id are usually needed to uniquely identify it.

way 2 (using git bisect)
first run

git bisect start

git bisect bad master

then git bisect good ORCA_2_31_4
git should then print a revision number that has been checked out, test this version with the usual configure 
make make install procedure, then test with firefox, if orca still works run git bisect good if it doesn't 
run git bisect bad, and git will again checkout a revision for you test, wash rinse and repeat with the build 
and test.  Eventually after 6 tests or so git should print a revision and it is the first bad commit, tell us 
what that commit id author date and message was.


thanks for your interesst
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