Re: [orca-list] testresults of new settings and profile stuff

Hey Steve.

I have just opened the following bug for your report:

I've assigned it to Ale in the hopes he can look into it soon. If not,
I'll do so.

Thanks and take care.

On Tue, 2010-12-21 at 08:57 -0700, Steve Holmes wrote:
I'm seeing another problem with the new settings deal.  It seems that
if one uses gdm, it keeps overlaying the settingss.  I will list below
my steps to demonstrate what I mean.

1. Sart up gdm by whatever means perscribed by your distro.

2. Assuming your gdm has been preconfigured to launch orca, Orca
should begin speaking.  Note that the settings dialog will not come up
automatically but can be started with the Orca+Space-bar key.  I
believe this is by design for gdm session.

3. Go ahead and make whatever changes you wish to Orca; for me, I turn
off some of the keyboard echo stuff.

4. Save the settings; hit Apply or OK to commit the changes and then
get out of the gdm session without logging into a normal user session.

5. From a console, kill and restart gdm.

6. Notice that Orca reverts back to factory settings.

Further observations show me that in /var/lib/gdm, my home directory
for gdm, the file .local/share/orca/user-settings.conf is getting
overwritten every time orca starts.  So it overlays previously
committed changes.  I even saved the default profile with my new
preferences in case that might make a difference but That had no
effect.  I even turned off all write permissions on user-settings.conf
but then starting Orca caused some errors with no speech so I don't
know the errors.

Bottom line: I cannot permenantly update settings for the gdm user
login session.
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