Re: [orca-list] Perhaps the fix for all the reported problems loading profiles? Please test.

Hey Halim.

Orca saved mbrola in both profiles.
Funny you should mention that. I was just about to respond to Attila to
tell him that his keybindings are the same in both sections.

When I do it (with speech, with keybindings, with whatever), mine are
always different. So that means:

1. Yet another bug. Bah. But this is a huge change, so this sort of 
   thing is expected I suppose.

2. I need to figure out exactly what it is you guys are doing 
   differently from me to cause data to be duplicated.

Anyhoo, nothing says "happy holidays" like a good challenge. <grins>

Thanks for the additional info. I shall keep digging.

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