Re: [orca-list] If you use Orca master, what version of Firefox do you use?

Hi Joannie,

I use Firefox 4.0 Betas as much as possible.  I haven't seen it
packaged for the Arch Linux distro but I download the pre-compiled
binaries from
and I see general 32 and 64 bit versions there.

My biggest complaint so far with this version is the cursor movement
and tabbing to links doesn't stay in sync.  I think I've described
this earlier where you can tab to some link and then arrow down to
read several lines of text, passing over some links but then pressing
tab again will take you back to the link immediately following the
last one you had tabbed to.

The bookmarks dialogs work beautifully and that's one big reason I
don't want to go back to any of the 3.6 versions.  

I have gotten stuck on some pages but don't have a repeatable sequence
to post into any bug reports.  This is like some of the old stuff
where you are reading down line by line and then suddenly jump back up
to the beginning of a portion of text.  I think it might relate to
internal frames.  It seems like multi-frame pages are where these
wierd navigation problems seem to crop up the most.

On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 07:21:58AM +0100, Hammer Attila wrote:

Kile, not easyest using the Mozilla daily ppa repository? This PPA I
think containing 64 bit Firefox version.
The main ppa url is following:
Easyest you adding this ppa with following command in Maverick if you want:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa

If you would like installing 4.0 Firefox version, you need
installing firefox-4.0 named package.
This PPA containing following 4.0 Firefox version:
The last tag ofcourse changed with Maverick from Lucid, because your
system is Maverick.

Joanie, I using now Firefox 3.6.13 with official awailable with
Ubuntu Lucid.
In Ubuntu Natty development version now have following packaged
oldest Firefox version:
firefox | 4.0~b7+nobinonly-0ubuntu3
I not installed yet Natty because very early development release have now.
Future I think Ubuntu Core developers will be replace  Firefox 3.6.x
series with 4.0 version with oldest releases (Lucid and Maverick) if
the 3.6 release support is expiring, but I don't no when will be
happening this, similar with prewious happened Thunderbird
The problem only if the change is will be happening, developers I
think not upgrading Orca version, so for example I don't no how can
will be possible 4.0 releases using with 2.30 Orca version with
Ubuntu Lucid for a beginner user. But this is an another story and
not Orca side problem, this is a distribution designing related
I don't no: Mozilla what final date supporting 3.6.x series?

If need, I possible upgrading my Firefox version with 4.0 latest
beta release with my Lucid system.
But because I using I386 architecture, better installing 4.0 Firefox
version with an another place and keep my now used stable 3.6
version with default launch.

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