Re: [orca-list] Firefox 3.6.2 Majorly Broken!

Hash: RIPEMD160

Out of curiousity, do you have an idea what happened to Firefox when
they went to 3.6? The navigation is so bad now I can't even file a bug
very well because the navigation jumps back to the top or skips
various parts of the screen - particularly forms.

This webkit phenominom is an interesting issue.  For whatever reason,
my firefox packages from Arch up thru 3.5.7 were all quite
accessible.  I can't tell if webkit is to blaim for 3.6 or if it's
something else.  But like I pointed out here earlier, my
implementations of yelp seemed to work fine.  I didn't think a package
maintainer could choose between webkit or gtk+ or whatever at will.

On Wed, Feb 03, 2010 at 03:03:35PM -0500, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
For the record, we are working on WebKitGtk accessibility actively --
though lack the resources that Apple has, I'm afraid.

My goal is to get us to the point where the need for an Orca script for
WebKitGtk content is minimal, which should make it considerably more
performant than Orca+Firefox.

Take care.

On Wed, 2010-02-03 at 12:53 -0700, Jacob Schmude wrote:
Hi Steve
What browser you use is less important than what engine it uses. Chrome 
uses Webkit and, lately, everything seems to be moving that direction 
(Epiphany, GNOME's included HTML rendering, etc). Yet Webkit has very 
little accessibility support, save for the Macintosh where it's 
accessibility is excellent thanks in large part to Apple actively 
developing it there.
Since GNOME itself is moving to Webkit, the accessibility support in it 
needs to be seriously stepped up. This switch already leaves some areas 
of GNOME, depending on what engine is compiled in (typically Webkit on 
modern Linux distros), very inaccessible. Webkit accessibility would 
mean not only access to these areas of GNOME but access to the majority 
of GUI web browsers available for Linux and other *NIX systems. This 
could include Google Chrome, but by no means be limited to it. In the 
meantime, hopefully Orca can get a workaround for the Firefox 3.6 troubles.
Don't misunderstand, I don't hate Firefox and I, personally, wouldn't be 
likely to switch away from it unless I absolutely had to in large part 
because of the way Adblock Plus handles blocking of ad content.

On 02/03/2010 12:39 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:
Hash: RIPEMD160

On Wed, Feb 03, 2010 at 10:41:11AM -0700, Jacob Schmude wrote:
Hi Steve
I tried with the Mozilla binaries, which go by the regular Firefox
name. It's still busted, and I've checked and the Firefox script was
indeed loaded. Interesting thing is, I was trying to set up Firefox
for a friend on Windows (version 3.6 with window-eyes) and a similar
problem kept cropping up where by she'd be thrown back to the top of
the page. That's got me seriously thinking this might be a Firefox
regression of some sort. Not good.
Anyone know if there's any progress with Webkit accessibility? This
just further demonstrates that being tied to only one browser for
accessibility is not the way we want to go.
I agree.  I'm really not sure what other web browsers might even exist
for linux.  Not sure about chrome.  I wish the text browsers like
elinks could employ better javascript support and provide for better
caret or cursor navigation.  I'm really spoiled with the structural
navigation that is available with Firefox and Orca and also the
windows stuff with Window-Eyes.

I guess I better get 3.5.7 to put back on my system til this crap gets
worked out.  Doesn't look good to me.
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