Re: [orca-list] help building at-spiHi,


Well, if there is not head -1 then I guess coreutils does not affect the configure script. The reason for me not installing coreutils is that at least earlier coreutils could not cope with the old syntax of head but that might have changed.
I think it should be safe to hard-code intltool version to 0.40.0 or 
comment out the test and rely on it being present anyway.

On Fri, 1 Jan 2010, aerospace1028 hotmail com wrote:

You also get this message from configure if you have the head binary from textutils instead of coreutils package. I have not installed 
coreutils myself for various reasons so I open the configure script in an editor and search for "head -1", not including the 
quotes of course. I then change the occurrence of "head -1" to "head -n1" and save configure script and rerun it. This 
makes it find the intltool.

Hope this helps!
I looked in configure, but could not find "head -1" (I also looked for "header -1" an "headers -1").  I found 
the section that sets the intltool version to 0.40.0 and contemplated manually re-setting it to 0.37.0, but decided that would most likely 
generate more complicated issues further on.

Are there major issues that I sould be concerned reguarding coreutils?  If I installed corutils  would that 
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