Re: [orca-list] Another orca and SWT bug

I have just tried the snippets I said about but using SWT 3.6RC4 and it works fine (for both this and the other SWT issue). So I guess its reall an SWT/eclipse issue and should be taken there (whether they will want to fix it as 3.6 can't be far off being made the current stable version).

Michael Whapples
On 06/05/2010 10:15 PM, Michael Whapples wrote:
I have noticed something else where orca doesn't behave well with SWT (it actually impacts on using eclipse but the SWT snippet is a smaller application to deal with). In short, if you switch to an SWT application and the focused control in that SWT application is StyledText then orca doesn't seem to be aware of that control (it leaves the application name showing in Braille). Now if in this situation you give another control focus and move back to the StyledText orca works fine. Also If you start an application which puts you in StyledText then orca works fine at that point.

How to reproduce:
1. Download, compile and run the eclipse SWT snippet212 (embedding images in StyledText). 2. Take focus away from the snippet application (eg. ctrl+alt+d for the desktop).
3. Use alt+tab to switch back to the snippet application.

Expected: Orca will read the line of the StyledText control where the caret is positioned.
Actual: Orca just shows the application title.

Software versions: SWT 3.5.2 and a recent orca GIT build.

Extra things to try and note:
* When the snippet application first loads orca does read the StyledText control fine. * When you have switched to the desktop and back and orca only reads the application title, try using ctrl+tab to move focus to the button and press tab again to move back to the StyledText control, orca will now read the StyledText control. * If you give the focus to the button before moving to the desktop and back to the application you will find the button is read fine when the application regains focus.

I did mention this impacts on eclipse, if you are in the source code editor and then minimise eclipse and go back to eclipse you will notice the same bug (I think, it behaves exactly the same).

Is this an orca bug or an SWT/eclipse bug? Where should I file it?

Michael Whapples

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