Re: [orca-list] Can vinux 3.0 go on a Netbook?

If you cant boot off usb there is the option to use a cd drive.
I have an external which I used.
Generally you need to push f12 or some key like that ot boot off the cd anyway which is the same as usb. that way its easier as you dont have to figure out how to get the image onto usb etc.
You can do some tweaks to make icons smaller and stirp icons from menus 
also which is easily found on google from netbook remix tweaks, gconf 
I have vinux on my eeepc 900 which is 1gig ram celeron 900 and it works 
ok, sometimes little laggy but mostly quite usable.
Rob aka Fduge

On 06/20/2010 12:41 AM, Ollie wrote:
Hello list,
I've just received a netbook, anD I was thinking of installing Vinux 3.0 on it. Would that be possible, or would I need something specific for such machine? Many thanks for all you're doing to make Orca and Linux more and more user-friendly also for new users like myself.
Please know that I really appreciate and enjoy this group a lot.

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