Re: [orca-list] GRML VS Ubuntu 10.04

Richard <rickfunes yahoo com> wrote:
Fedora is a testbed for RHEL.  Or at
least that's what I've read.
Another interpretation is that it's a community-based distribution sponsored
by Red Hat, and that it serves as an accumulation point for technologies which
are later integrated into RHEL.

So far as I know, nobody at Red Hat is working on Gnome accessibility or Orca.
Novell, on the other hand, are contributing to AT-SPI 2 and have also
implemented accessibility APIs in Mono.

Ubuntu developers are making significant contributions, especially with Luke's
recent work on SpeechDispatcher.

Debian has an active community of developers working on accessibility (BRLTTY,
SpeakUp, AT-SPI integration, etc.).

I hope the above is a fair summary of the contributions which Linux
distributors are making to accessibility. It is likely that I have left out
some of these, however, due to oversight or lack of knowledge on my part.

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