Re: [orca-list] deadlock with Orca and Firefox

Hash: RIPEMD160

I would also be curious as to which version of Firefox you're using.
As far as I'm concerned, Firefox 3.6.2 is a bloody mess! Joanmarie
Diggs worked up a good fix to get around some of the problems with
caret navigation and all but the bookmark organizer is completely
unusable.  I can't say I've had any lockups though.

Now concerning the other issue which I have had on several occasions
in the past is where Orca starts up but the screen for Orca doesn't
come up and there's no speech for anything else either.  I think there
might be a problem with at-spi starting up in time; at least this has
been cited by others recently.  When that happens to me, I usually
have to completely restart X or use shift-ctrl-backspace to kill my
gnome session and log back in from gdm window.  This last part depends
on whether I used gdm to login or startx from my VC.

If you're using a 3.6 version of Firefox, try 3.5.7 or 3.5.8 and see
if the problem persists. for you.

On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 10:37:18AM -0400, Janina Sajka wrote:
Hi, Mike:

I see this several times a day, unfortunately. I believe very much it's
related to Firefox, but then I mostly run Firefox when I'm using Orca.

My strategy for restarting is similar:

*     Go to a root console.
*     Issue 'orca -q'
*     Issue 'service speech-dispatcherd restart'
*     In the gui, run orca from the run dialog.
*     Press Ctrl when orca starts speaking, as it sometimes hangs
*     restarting for me, i.e. some sort of freeze that prevents its
*     'Preferences Quit Help' windo from coming up.

Occasionally, I have to do this several times.

Because I use Speech Dispatcher, I wonder if the problem is with the
speech interfaces /tts engine, rather than with orca itself?

Sometimes, after relaunch, I see apps open that I did not open, mostly
that would be the Conglomerate XML Editor. I'm suspecting something is
launching this from Firefox?

Other times, the open app is Movie Player, also presumably launched from

PS: Just in the past week, some of my Firefox pup up screens have become
tediously slow. They still work correctly, but after about a minute or
more, rather than the instant launch I used to see. Unfortunately, I
can't point to a public page that's doing this yet, which is why I
haven't said anything about it previously. I reguarly now see it
accessing the Schwab trade screen.


Mike Gorse writes:
Hi all,

Sometimes Orca locks up for me, and I don't know a way around it
other than to run orca --quit and restart it.  I haven't found a
reliable way to reproduce it; it's happened once when I was closing
an application (probably firefox) and just happened to me again when
I was opening a page in Firefox.  Both orca and firefox are waiting
for data in ORBit; Firefox is sending a key event, and orca is
making some sort of call, waiting for a reply.  Has anyone else seen
this, and does anyone have any suggestions for debugging it?

-Mike G-
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