Re: [orca-list] speaking words shortly or broken

Yes I was thinking of the Arch bug. My thinking was that as it also happens on fedora then may be it was the same issue on ubuntu. If as you imply this is a different bug on ubuntu, I possibly would suggest it sounds like it may be ubuntu specific and may be better pointed to ubuntu.
Michael Whapples
On 05/09/2010 01:23 PM, David Mehler wrote:
Not the originator of this, but if your refering to the orca issue in
gnome 2.30 where a second instance of orca is started after
preferences are configured, the solution of alt tabbing in arch which
worked fine, did not work in ubuntu 10.04 desktop. I had to hard
reboot the box to get the settings to apply.

On 5/9/10, Michael Whapples<mwhapples aim com>  wrote:
I can only really attend to one issue you mention, you say that orca
hangs around the restart orca question. I think this might be an
existing bug Does this
seem to be the problem?

Following what I have said there, the work around for answering in the
way which causes it, is to wait (after answering yes to start orca on
log in) until orca says "welcome to orca" then alt+tab once to get back
to the initial setup questions and answer the restart question.

I would appreciate it if someone who knows how gnome prefers to do
things were to look at that bug and suggest which direction to head with
it (should orca try and work round it by setting gconf keys in another
order or should orca's start up stuff be altered so that they don't
start on the key being set).

Michael Whapples
On 01/-10/-28163 08:59 PM, Labrador wrote:
Hi Gnome-Orca-eSpeak-Spd team!

I noticed a few strange things with Orca after upgrading an Ubuntu Hardy
Ubuntu Lucid (both supposed being stable and LTS):

- while installing during selecting the options the voice sounds like very
    low freq. (4 kHz)
- I'm still disappointed about the preconfiger:
    no default select info between brackets or so, especially during the
    language enumeration (by the way it should be much more efficienet to
    choose a language while using up/down cursorkeys, instead of listening
    55 possible choices; especially for those like me who aren't speech
    users/lovers (except VoiceOver human-alike voice) I had a headhake
befor I
    had to choose the lang;
    by the way if the enumeration is finished it would be nice to say then
    which voice is set as default for now:
    anyway this Orca preconfigure may urgently be implemented
- another bug is that the system hangs after you said Yes to restart Orca
- and inside the orca menu I noticed taht the word Button (in dutch Knop)
    pronounced rapidly or a kind of broken; but only for Preferences
    (Voorkeuren), not for the other options

That's all, for now I haven't noticed bugs that undermine it, no no, it
seems to work, but voice still seem to be HEAVY.

Have a nice sunday,


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