Re: [orca-list] Calling all braille users. I need your opinions.

Hi Jon, all.

One other question to be thrown out there.

Is the braille messages to be displayed always the same as the text 
being spoken?
In some cases it won't be; in some cases it will. In order to identify
which is which, what I'm hoping to do is get initial support in place
(i.e. address the problem of Orca being inaccessible to users who are
Deaf-Blind). In doing so, folks who use both braille and speech will
start seeing things flashing on their braille display that they weren't
seeing before. <smile> At which point we'll no doubt be getting feedback
along the lines of "hey cool" and "whoa, that's way too much stuff, what
were you thinking?" And based on that feedback, we can tweak. 

Speaking of which, Orca now presents the structural navigation item "not
found" messages as well as the title bar, status bar, and default button
info in braille. Feedback is welcome.

Ultimately we might need to have two different levels for braille
messages: braille for non-speech users and braille for speech users. It
may or may not coincide with braille "verbosity" levels. 

This is why I'm doing this work early in the 2.31 cycle.


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