Re: [orca-list] Calling all braille users. I need your opinions.

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Agree about using the control key to instantly dismiss a flashed
message. Also, the title bar fixes do seem to work properly both for
speech and braille. I generally keep my progress bar update set to 5
seconds, though in some apps with a lot of useless progress bars I turn
it off completely.

On 05/10/2010 03:38 PM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hi Jacob.

On Mon, 2010-05-10 at 06:17 -0400, Jacob Schmude wrote:

I think single seconds would be enough. However, you don't have to
present them in a list.
I wasn't planning to. I'm going to have an editable spin button which
generates the options. That way, users can type what they want or arrow
or page down.

I'd probably change the default length
of 5 seconds to perhaps 3 seconds, unless we can press a key to
interrupt flashed messages. 5 seconds is usually a bit long to wait.

However, we should be able to interrupt the flashed message with a key
if we choose to.
You can indeed press a key to interrupt flashed messages. If you press
any key, Orca responds -- which in almost all cases results in updated
braille because Orca will display the item with focus, the newly
selected item, the item you just moved to in flat review, etc. You can
give it a try now using master. All of the "not found" structural
navigation messages are (or should be) flashed. Same for the title bar,
status bar, and default button info.

If you find cases where we're displaying that info and pressing a key
doesn't update the braille display/get rid of the flashed message,
please let me know.

Having said that, something perhaps we could consider doing, is having
Control restore the braille display. While any key interrupts speech, I
suspect most of us are in the habit of using Control as our
shut-up-speech go-to key. (right?) If so, that might be the logical,
discoverable solution. Thoughts?

Don't forget Openoffice help. Orca isn't brailling any of the items in
the tree view there. Sometimes the string "TREE LEVEL 1" gets brailled
but nothing more than that.
Dang. Good to know. I'll look. Thanks!

As a related aside, a while back someone... who was it? Jason,
perhaps?? ... anyway, someone asked me what all the areas of
braille-speech inequality were. And at the time, what occurred to me is
that once we start looking, talking, and working on this, we'll find all
sorts of things we aren't presenting in braille -- beyond those things
which I'm already aware of. Guess I was right.... (Kinda wish I
weren't.) Anyhoo, please keep these reports coming in. We'll get them
all resolved.

* Progressy updates. There are two such categories: Spoken messages to
let you know an app is busy ("loading please wait", "finished loading")
and actual progress bars. Personally, I'd flash the former
automatically; I'd flash the latter at the same time we were speaking
the percentage.
Agree on this one. We can always rest the flat review on a progress bar
if we want to see realtime updating.
Out of curiosity, what do you have your progress bar interval set to?
The reason I ask is that for testing progress bar issues in general, I
set mine from the default 10 seconds to 3 seconds. At that rate and with
a 5 second flash time, my display was all progress bar updates all the
time. Personally, I could see a case where I'm reading in braille, but
keeping an ear out (so to speak) for speech updates. I think we may need
to do the percentage updates for progress bars totally separately.
(Perhaps even having a separate interval and enable/disable updates for
braille? I dunno. I'm open to suggestions.)

Actually, these are rather erratic. Sometimes it will braille the title
bar and not speak it, other times it will speak it but not braille it.
Take Totem, GNOME's movie player. Use the title and status bar keys, and
nothing gets brailled even though the proper information is spoken. Now,
take gnome-mplayer. The title and status bar keys braille it, but they
don't speak it.
I checked in a fix/change for the title and status bars. I'd be
interested in knowing what you think.

But in terms of your observation, what was happening before is that Orca
was doing an updateBraille on the locusOfFocus. Whatever the
locusOfFocus was, that's what got displayed. Then it found the title bar
or status bar and spoke it. Now whatever we get in this case we speak
and braille. If we fail to do those things, that means we could not
locate the title bar or status bar and a custom script will need to be
created (or modified) to give Orca the ability to locate that
information. Filing bug reports for those occurrences would be most

Thanks for all your help with this!

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