Re: [orca-list] ORCA improvements

El 11/05/2010, a las 13:56, Piñeiro escribió:

From: Alejandro Leiva <aleiva emergya es>

Hi to all,

     As I said in gnome-accessibility [1] we (emergya) are working on an interesting project to improve 
ORCA in some ways.

     Our targets for ORCA are:

     * Fix the most important bugs.
     * Saving and loading of user shortcut profiles.
     * Integration with other text-to-speech engines like voxin.

BTW, I have just realized that some weeks ago Joanmarie Diggs created
a meta-bug related to this project:

Just for your information.


API (apinheiro igalia com)

I didn't see it, thanks for the info pinheiro I'll add all the relevant info into that meta-bug.

Alejandro Leiva
Área de Proyectos

Emergya Consultoría
Tfno: +34 954 51 75 77
Fax: +34 954 51 64 73

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